Author Archives: enes
Gordana Galić – Andjelić
FATA MORGANA (MIRAGE) by Gordana Galić – Andjelić, 10 minutes performance in Gobi Desert
Jackie Summel and Herman Wallace
The House That Herman Built, by Jackie Sumell and Herman Wallace, 2008, scale model and installation
Oliver Ressler
Alternative Economies – Alternative Societies, by Oliver Ressler, 2002, dvd installation
Zelena gora
Zelená Hora, Czech Republic, by Jan Blažej Santini-Aichl, František Benedikt Klíčník, Jan Pavel Čechpauer – Řehoř Thény, 1719–1722
Piero della Francesca
The Ideal City, by Piero della Francesca or Luciano Laurana or Francesco di Giorgio Martini, 1470/1475
Hildergard von Bingen
Universal Man, in Liber Divinorum Operum, by Hildegarde von Bingen, 1165, illumination